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Orders to where?

It’s that time again. It’s the time that military wives wait for, hopefully if they hate where they are living, and dread if they love their duty station. Yes, it’s time for a first look at the dreaded Orders. It’s not my first rodeo. We’ve been through it a couple times already, but this is the first time I’ve ever actually cared. When it was just hubby and I, I could make the best of any situation, but with Blue Eyes’ asthma, it’s not so easy to not care where you get sent.

There are a couple of things different about this duty choice though. The first is that my husband will be done with his degree. This means that he needs orders that will look good on an Officer’s package. That means that if phenomenal orders for opportunities comes up, it doesn’t matter where it is, hubby wants it. The second thing that’s different is that hubby is coming up on the end of his enlistment. This is the pivotal point. He’s almost at the half way mark. Re-enlisting this time means we are in it for the long haul. Something that we’ve both planned, but it’s scary when you think about the next 13 years of your life.

Realistically, we are hoping that this set of Orders will make it easier for him to go O. I know I have a few military wives following…. if any of you have ever dealt with the process and transitioning, I would love to hear from you! We are definitely open to advice from those who have managed to accomplish it!

About Military Bride

Military Bride is my view of the world from a veteran, spouse, and mommy perspective. I’m sure it’s going to be a bumpy ride, but I don’t mind sharing triumphs and tears with you. I joined the Military at the age of 21, and met my husband not to long after. We’ve been married a little over 3 years, and have a beautiful baby boy. My life has already gone through drastic changes, from getting out of the military, to becoming a mommy and going back to school. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you.

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